When I became a parent for the first time, I fell in love so deeply that it hurt. My life changed in an instant. I had never felt this way about another person in my life. It was a love so pure, so intense, so complete, it eclipsed my world and took me over. I would never be the same, nor did I want to be.
When I became pregnant again, I worried that I would never be able to love another child the same way I loved my first. I was so wrong. When my second child was born, I learned that love is infinite. Love is not a scarce resource to be rationed. Love is like a candle flame. When another candle is lit from the first, the first flame is not diminished, it is doubled.
God reveals His love for us in the place and time that will be most meaningful to us. For me, He revealed this aspect of His love through the miracle of children. I would give my own life for theirs, without hesitation. The love I have for my children is only a reflection of the love God has for us, His children. I can only imagine how deeply God loves us because of how deeply I love my children. I am a limited human, and He is an infinite God. How much greater must His love be for us?